Tuesday, 21 October 2008

We few, we happy few, we band of sparring watchers

It is sad that sparring videos get less views on youtube than the show pony ones.
Don't get me wrong, the show pony ones are nicely done, but why so many more views than sparring? Does it make them hold their manhoods cheap? Or perhaps, like me, it gives them raging boners, which are potentially troublesome if working as a school teacher (but not if you are a ninja).

Principal: Explain to me, Mr Willet, why did you burst into class after lunch today with your erect phallus protruding from your pants? Several children have had to be be sent for counselling.

Mr Willet: Well you see sir, I was watching some HEMA sparring videos on youtube at lunch and lost track of time. In my rush to return to class, I forgot about my the effect it has on me.

Principal: HEMA sparring videos?

Mr Willet: Yes sir, you know...swordfighting. Two men clashing their swords together in a battle for the true place, the best of which is behind them. It has wrestling and all, very popular in the olden days..even monks did it!

Principal: Mr Willet must I re-affirm our internet usage policy to you? Pornography is a dismissable offence.

Mr Willet: What? Usage poli... No I didn't mean that swordfighting!

"Oh but there are no good sparring videos out there! They all give HEMA a bad name!" say the new romantics.

Bullshit. There are some fantastic sparring videos out there. Drilling videos can be nice to watch, but it is no good doing a perfect drill if you can't use the techniques and principles of that drill in free fencing. Sparring videos show were people are really at with their training. So what we need are more good fencing videos and more good people watching them. Why? Because it encourages discussion of peoples TRUE form, not their drilling form.* Because it shows to the non-HEMA martial artists out there that HEMA is effectively pressure tested. Because it can reveal the failings in your drilling that couldn't otherwise be seen. Because it gives me a raging boner.

So make more sparring videos! Watch more sparring videos! And most importantly, discuss what you see in them!

*Well as close to the true for as we can get without actually fighting with swords for real.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Why Fiore?

Seriously, are you Italian?

No. If you were you'd be too busy drinking coffee out of very small cups and riding scooters.

Do a proper English martial art like.....



Oh sod it, make mine an expresso.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Are Eye Pee

It's inevitable I suppose
on a blog that does decry
those features of the Double You Em Ay
to comment upon Ess Eff Eye.

It's been around for many years
A battle ground were many do aim
to fight for wider credability
to fight for their own 'name'.

Puffed up self important twats
slap dicks upon the table
and argue about the finer points of utterly utterly tedious passages in manuscripts that the rest of us are uninterested in or find of little use when sparring or simply know already because it's soooo blooody obvious
but we follow as best we're able.

Hah! I bet you didn't think
that last verse would actually scan
But sometimes it is good to get
as much into a line as one can.

For comic effect.
So there.

Despite the tiresome back and forth
that grace these academic travails
it's not the content that entertains
the Devil's not in the Details.

It's the argument itself that's fun.

The academic shuffling
I find a tedious read
but in all honesty most seem to think
that it's fun to watch 'names' breed

contempt for one another,
and contempt for that foul forum
regardless of the content
the arguments do seldom bore 'em.

It's not a place for reasoned talk
or collaboration
it's a place to strut and puff and huff
and strut and stride before the congregation
'I am best!',
'I know better!',
'You're a petty prole!'
'I've studied this stuff longer than you,
so shut your yapping hole!'
'Don't argue with me you little man!'

'With your trolling don't you bait!'
'I've studied this topic since time began!'
'And, the moderator's my best mate!'

No more reasoned talk
It's all a waste of breath
For it's now a circus full of clowns
It's a cage fight to the death.

And it's day 5 million of the Silver debate in the big brother household.

So settle down, enjoy the show
and perhaps you might take a look
in the advert breaks of this Hemazon
and purchase my new book.

Giving you the finger.

Why are fingers so ignored?
true, constant hits do make us bored
But fingers have an important role
It allows us to our weapon hold.

It's true.
You've gotta hold onto that sword.

But some clubs do ignore such stress
and will keep fighting regardless
of proposed defingeration
and ruin our hard wrough simulation.

What an utter waste of time
to fight those who see no reason nor rhyme
to concede defeat when they have lost
all their fingers but too no cost.

I hate that.


can do
and wood work
would work
or nylon
a denouement
but shiney steel
has truer feel
but needs gambeson
to play upon
and trades cuts
not up to much
that bamboo
can do
a compilation,
a derivation,
gives the sensation
that has correlation,
a blood relation,
to confrontation
with swords.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

MS One Three Three

It's s'posed to be one thirty three
but they spell it with an I
The earlist fencing system
we have, but tell me why
are the monks crouched down like pussies
and why on tippy toes
and why does the fucking buckler go
wherever the sword goes?
It a deeply silly system
that doesn't really work
yet noone wants to be the first
to say, "What fucking jerk
invented this weird crock of shit
and taught it to the clergy?"
This cranky system's a disgrace
to swords and.. metallurgy.
So generations yet to come
will study this MS
then prance in masks and gorgets and
pretend it's not a mess.
It's clear to me, why can't they see
a knight from the Crusades
returned and joined a monastery
and taught them to use blades.
He said he'd show the brothers there
to defend themselves from witches;
but it was all a fucking joke -
he must have been in stitches!

The secret of steel

A strange contradiction exists,
(steel again, I'm afraid)
for those only with steel do seem to feel
that their efforts are the most brave.

But have you ever hit a steeler,
when lusty blows do rain?
The steelers always are the very first
to cry foul and complain.

An explanation I have sought,
for you'd really think otherwise,
they fight with steel and do believe
that they brook no compromise.

But consider what some steelers face
(regardless what they claim)
They trade weak blows,
and pulled attacks
and rarely face much pain.

Such steelers just aren't used to blows
which deal them much distress.
So when a martial type is faced
who upon such does with vigour presse

They recieve blows to which they are not used
and bitch and gripe and moan.
Such types are best avoided.

Just leave them on their sugar throne.


Silver, I just don't get
with all his efs and esses
But others too seem just as lost
their hard thought work just guesses.

For I've never seen a Silver fight
in a manner that looked martial.
Hopping around well out of reach
forever circling they seem partial.

To dance and skip just seems wrong.
Silver seems a lusty sort
With bile and spittle would he dive right in
in the battles that he fought?

So, Silver, I just don't get
but with good company I keep pace.
No one seems to get Silver
No one has found that right place.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

SCA Twats: Or the Luck of the Ignorant

Is it just me or is the average IQ of the standard SCA guy somewhere in the Negative digits?

Take for example Vassilis Tsafathead over on My Armoury:


This mouth breather is convinced that what the SCA does is a valid martial art even though it looks like nothing from any treatise and is just well, a bunch of mentally retarded mouthbreathers hitting each other in the head He-Man style with clubs and plastc D&D armor.

The he comes along with this Gem:

And a Week or two later, Albion does this:

Coincidence or the luck of the retarded?

Rapier guys - don't be a spaz

So, people with rapiers. They're a bit silly aren't they?

People talk about the best rapier to get. Should I get a Practical? Maybe a Darkwood armoury one? Or how about one from Arms and Armour?

Well, all you rapier monkeys out there, I've got a little message for you. I say, don't get one at all because they are a bit fucking silly.

But on the other hand, aren't you sick of all the idiots who says rapiers are stupid? I've got a question for you; - if they were that stupid, why did Captain Alatriste have one, eh? Noone could doubt how cool he was, right?

Maybe, just maybe Silver was a xenophobic incompetant who would have been spitted like an apple on a skewer in like the first few seconds of a real fight. So everyone dissing rapier guys - try cracking open a history book once in a while and not basing your opinions on your own secondhand petty prejudices...
And the there is the paddeds.
Pillows with which to fight.
Great lumpen blades,
a mass of tape,
to HEMA they are a blight.

For LRPers like the paddeds.
And we're not LRPers.
Wrapped around a shapely thigh
to make us stare and drool.
But some insist on making it
into a training tool.

Nylon! The space age sword
in a wide range of colours
from black or white.
A Brave New World of training,
or expensive, fancy shite?
Bamboo perhaps?
Eastern magic,
or bouncy shite?
Made for nutters
who must fight
like maniacs
with no regard
who will make you eat lead
and hit well hard.
Wood's okay,
I supoose.
It's cheap.
It's safe.
But can you pose
quite so well

with a good hard wood?
Steel steel,
why do they feel
that it's only steel
that will reveal
the secrets of
that which we wield?

Why oh why only steel?

...are bullet proof.